Do you want to turn your nerf war into the next level? For this, you will need to construct a super-strong nerf fort that can create an extra course of entertainment. Fortuitously, constituting a nerf fortress is too easy to do with some simple steps. You can make it either inside or outside of your house. In this guide, we will discuss in detail how to build a nerf fort effortlessly.
Method 1: Make your fort on cardboard.
Are you planning to host a war inside your house, yard, or basement? Then, this method is for you. Please remark, if you aspire to build nerf castle in the playground, park, or forest, this method will not be suitable. Kindly take a look at the next method.

Items you will need:
1. Card boxes
2. Duct tape
3. Cutter
1. Foam/ Package Cushioning
2. Portable Fan
3. Nerf Sword
4. Drinks
Step one: Assemble about 5-25 Cardboard boxes
How many boxes do you need? It depends on some conditions. Take a note out:
1. Do you want to build with the assembling of boxes or cut the boxes on your need, how will you shape them?
2. Do you want to construct a fort Immuring with four corners or three corners? It fully depends on your choice. Whatever you want, you can do it easily by assembling the cardboards differently. On the contrary, if you want to develop a fortress on a vacant field, you will have to place the cardboard all around.
3. Measure the desirous dimensions such as 5 x 5 feet or 10 x 5 feet, 10 x 10 feet. It depends on your height, required space, etc.
Step two: Build a foundation of your fort
When you working to build a stable base for your fort, make sure you have to complete it in the right way. During the war, you will get propelled by continuous firing; if your defense doesn’t take the load, it might fall.
For building a strong base:
1. Calculate the required space you need.
2. Stack boxes in a row, fill the cartons with useless books, fabrics, or anything that will work. The cases become heavy and difficult to move. The benefit is that your fortress wall will survive; even if the strongest attack happens.
Step three: Gather more boxes to create an overall foundation.
Place boxes one by one to create your desirous square shape. If you find the inappropriate sizes of boxes, cut the boxes and make a regular shape that you can handle. Use duct tape to connect the edge of the cases. That’s how you can build a fort regarding your calculated Hight. It will be better if the castle is one foot higher than your height.
Final Step:
First, just try to move your fort (don’t put your full force). And see how powerful your defense.
Second, find two or more package cushioning or extra foam, cut it around on the inside to see your opponents; it also works as the ventilation system. Besides, you can fire with the space of the cut part.
Please note that your opponent can attack you through this space. So, if you set up something that only you knock them, they can’t target you. Simply set up a static plastic fan. You can fire through the empty part of the edge of the fan. It would be nearly impossible to hit you though this narrow space.
Third, your fort should look like a real castle, right? Not a joke apart, you can cover cardboard by the poster or paint whatever you wish. Believe me, and It will not only look nice but also look like expertise work.
Method 2: Use the fort board to create an outstanding Nerf Castle.
When I have heard about using the fort board to build a nerf castle. Then, I’m continuing to think, do I need a fort board? It depends on what purposes you want to construct.
If you need a portable or temporary castle, you may consider using it while you play outside of the home; park, forest, friend’s place. Therefore, if you want to make a fortress for your own, but you can’t move the usual fortress, right?
Step 1: Buy Fort boards:
Purchase fort board from a verified online/offline shop. There are so many choices, but amazon can be a great option because of their least cost and free shipping; you don’t have to spend on shipping.
Plus, boards are lightweight, easy to carry from one place to another. These plastic built boards are easy to setup. And it arrives with everything needed when you build a Castle.
Step 2: Read the instructions and outlines of your design.
These small pieces of plastic give you the freedom to design your preference. Before building, Imagine, or draw a shape that you want to create. Moreover, go to google, you discover dozens of designs, choose one. Customize or implement it.
Step 3: Build your fort:
The boards come with many small plastic pieces, snap one piece to the next one. And Use the connector to create your foundation. Set the reactive target pieces rightly; you can fire through it. So, it should be placed in your comfort zone.
The advantages Using Blaster Boards:
1. Lightweight, Easy to portable, you can carry anywhere.
2. Durable and Eco-friendly Plastic build boards that you can use over and over.
3. It’s easy to make, won’t take larger space, people love it.
4. Kids love building; it also helps to develop skills like Creativity, spatial knowledge, imagination, patience.
Final thought:
Building nerf fort draws a lot of excitement. It’s simple to build. However, if you want to make a fort for permanent, you may consider method one. Or you need to develop a portable or temporary defense, follow procedure two.
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